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김성용 교수
E-mail : sykim@kuh.ac.kr


조혈모세포이식 (동종, 자가)
악성혈액종양 (림프종, 다발골수종, 백혈병, 골수형성이상증후군)
양성혈액질환 (재생불량빈혈, 면역관련 혈액질환)

- 가톨릭대학교 의과대학 졸업 (1995)
- 가톨릭대학교 대학원 석사 및 박사 (2010)

- 가톨릭대학교 성모병원 수련의 및 내과 전공의 (~2005)
- 가톨릭대학교 성모병원 혈액내과 임상강사 임상조교수 (~2008)
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Seattle, WA) 방문연구 (~2014)
- 건국대학교의학전문대학원 건국대학교병원 부교수 (~현재)
- 대한내과학회지 간행위원 (~현재)
- 대한혈액학회 림프종 연구회 운영위원 (~현재)
- 대한혈액학회 보험위원회 운영위원 (~현재)
- 대한혈액학회 골수증식종양연구회 간사 (~현재)
- 대학조혈모세포이식학회 정회원 (~현재)
- 대한혈액학회 정회원 (~현재)
주요 연구물

(1) 조혈모세포이식에 관한 임상연구

- Sung-Yong Kim, Ah Ran Kim, So Young Yoon, Yo-Han Cho, Mark Hong Lee. Substitution of methotrexate with corticosteroid for acute graft-versus-host disease prevention in transplanted patients who develop methotrexate toxicity. Ann Hematol. 2016;95: 483-491.

- Sung-Yong Kim, Jennifer Le Rademacher, Joseph H. Antin, Paolo Anderlini, Mouhab Ayas, Minoo Battiwalla, Jeanette Carreras, Joanne Kurtzberg, Ryotaro Nakamura, Mary Eapen, and H. Joachim Deeg. Myelodysplastic syndrome evolving from aplastic anemia treated with immunosuppressive therapy: efficacy of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Haematologica. 2014;99(12): 1868-1875.

- Sung-Yong Kim, Hee-Je Kim, Mark Hong Lee, Woo-Sung Min. Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplantation from Human Leukocyte Antigen-Matched Sibling Donors and Unrelated Donors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients. Acta Haematol. 2013;130:206?216.

- Hong Seok Choi, Sung-Yong Kim, Jong-Ho Lee, So Young Yoon, Yo-Han Cho, Hong Ghi Lee. Successful Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation in a Patient With Myelodysplastic Syndrome With Hemodialysis-Dependent End-Stage Renal Disease. Transplantation. 2011;92(6);28-29.

- Sung-Yong Kim, Dong-Gun Lee, Myung-Shin Kim, Hee-Je Kim, Seok Lee, and Chang-Ki Min. The influence of infection early after allogeneic stem cell transplantation on the risk of leukemic relapse and graft-versus-host disease. American Journal of Hematology. 2008;83: 784?788.

- Sung-Yong Kim, Jong-Wook Lee, Jihyang Lim, Byung-Sik Cho, Ki-Seong Eom, Yoo-Jin Kim, Hee-Je Kim, Seok Lee, Chang-Ki Min, Seok-Goo Cho, Dong-Wook Kim, Woo-Sung Min, Chun-Choo Kim. Unrelated Donor Bone Marrow Transplants for Severe Aplastic Anemia with Conditioning Using Total Body Irradiation and Cyclophosphamide. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 2007;13; 863-870

(2) 림프종 질환에 대한 임상연구

- Sung-Yong Kim, Jihye Kim, Hui Jin Ryu, Hong Gee Roh, Hyun Woo Chung, Young-Cho Koh, Mark Hong Lee, Yoon-Ho Ko, Joon Cho. Pilot study of gamma-knife surgery-incorporated systemic chemotherapy omitting whole brain radiotherapy for the treatment of elderly primary central nervous system lymphoma patients with poor prognostic scores. Med Oncol. 2014;31: 863.

- Sung-Yong Kim, Seok-Goo Cho, Sung-Won Kim, Byung-Ok Choi, Kyung-Sin Park, Jihyang Lim, Chang-Ki Min, Yong-Goo Kim, Jong-Wook Lee, Woo-Sung Min. Pilot study of pegylated interferon alpha-2a treatment during chemo- and radiotherapy and post-remission maintenance in patients with EBV-positive extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2011;90: 693?699.

(3) 골수형성이상증후군에 대한 임상연구

- S-Y Kim, S-G Cho, B-S Cho, M-S Kim, K-S Eom, Y-J Kim, H-J Kim, S Lee, C-K Min, D-W Kim, J-W Lee and W-S Min. Azacytidine treatment after discontinuation of immunosuppressants in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome and relapse after allo-SCT at a single center. Bone Marrow Transplantation. 2010;45;1375-1376.

(4) 재생불량빈혈에 대한 임상연구

- Sung-Yong Kim, Jong-Wook Lee, Sung-Eun Lee, Byung-Sik Cho, Myungshin Kim, Ki-Seong Eom, Yoo-Jin Kim, Hee-Je Kim, Seok Lee, Chang-Ki Min, Seok-Goo Cho, Dong-Wook Kim, Kyungja Han, Woo-Sung Min. The Characteristics and Clinical Outcome of Adult Patients with Aplastic Anemia and Abnormal Cytogenetics at Diagnosis. GENES, CHROMOSOMES & CANCER. 2010;49: 844?850.